August 12th, 2023
11:28 am
What a full day. Woke up at 4:30 am because I had a golf tournament to go to early in the morning. I had to get my workout in before golf so even though I only got 4 hrs of sleep I did it anyway. I felt tired but I did it. I got through it. I was exhausted from the tournament but knew I had a second workout to still do. So i walked my almost 2 miles right after getting home from the golf tournament. It’s pretty late and I’ve been on my feet all day but I did it anyway. It wasn’t easy today but we did it.
Instagram Day 12 Reel
Follow a Diet
Below is what I ate today:
- Post Workout
- Shake – 2 Scoops of Optimum Nutrition Whey
- Breakfast
- None
- Lunch
- Fit bar
- Dinner
- Chicken with brussell sprouts and mashed potatoes
2 workouts of at least 45 Minutes (one must be outside):
- Workout #1 6:02 Lower body and arms
- 4 x 12 Front Squat with Kettlebells (25, 25, 35, 40 lbs)
- 4 x 10 Single Leg Stiff Deadlift
- Bicep Cable Curls
- Tricep Extension
- Workout #2 4:45 pm
- 50 minute walk
1 Gallon Of Water
finished at 11:08 pm
Read at least 10 pages
“7 Habits of Highly Effective People”
Summary of what I read today:
- Read my 10 pages but didn’t get much this read
Day 12 Reflection:
- You’re tired but you did it anyway. That’s empowering.